Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Ruth Davidson, a Future PM?

Headlines like that are bad for my health, so no wonder I spluttered out my coffee, bespattering my copy of The National, and Kevin McKenna’s article July 2017

Apart from the fervent utterance, no, no never that day’s copy was pertinent on various levels. Just imagine that over the coming months, we see May’s continuing decline and ‘when the cat’s ways’ stance taken by the power hungry members of her Cabinet, combines to  produce more angst in the Tory hierarchy. The 1922 Club must be in overdrive with meetings at the moment.

And then there is the pushme-pullme directionless stance of Labour throughout the UK, not just here. Student loans, fees. Maybe aye, maybe nae. Corbyn’s attitude to a 2nd IndyRef, who’s with him, who’s agin him on this that and everything else? And where does Kezia Dugdale fit in all of that? But then there is that creeping realisation within the Tory party that there will be an election. Whether sooner, or later, it’s a- coming. Even they can’t derail democracy to that extent.

When and how to dump May?

To ensure the chance of an outright majority next time round, should they go with what they have or go for new? But, just who could that be? The stale, pale, males? Not again, surely, so step forward Davidson, OK, everyone realises she would have to be engineered into a Westminster seat  and  preferably an MPs seat here in Scotland. What if there was the added bonus of the chance to take an SNP scalp at the same time!  Watch out then, in the coming months. Any deaths, scandals, resignations, needing to spend more time with the family, moving on to pastures new, and bingo! It wouldn’t be unusual for a wannabe MP  to step aside to let a big beast in to try, so let’s be honest, she’d probably find a constituency with ease.

But if it were here, and if it were an SNP scalp?

What a coup! Two birds, one stone! The glee, the gloating over the unseating, but imagine:  ‘save the Union, bring cohesion to a disunited kingdom’: ‘deliver’ Scotland back into the fold!  You can see the trajectory that some would really, really want to see.For a few then,  dream on, but for me, wake me up from this nightmare.
The rebalancing we have seen with the 35 SNP seats, Gen Election results 2017, is just that, a rebalancing post 2014 referendum, and not the resurrection of the Tory party back into power in Scotland.  It’s a confirmation of the political mandate given to the SNP by the majority of voters, across Holyrood, local authorities and Westminster.

So, will we ever get past the politics of the personality……

…………..And acknowledge the inequality that stalks the land? In-work poverty now goes hand in hand with food banks. We regularly see donations of food/sanitary/toiletry products.  We hear about food loss in children during the holidays as they miss their one hot school dinner meal. We applaud councils that open their kitchens during the holidays and run courses for parents, carers and their children: learn cooking on a budget then leave having cooked and eaten your ‘lesson’. 
But how much press scrutiny is there in relation to Tory domestic  policies, how much criticism is there in relation to the obvious lack of domestic  policies and the febrile attempts by the Tories to ‘manage’ Brexit? 
Two years of dithering, internal counter arguments. Two years in which to bury bad news-no news of continuing UK decline.

But then, is backwards looking better?

Years ago, were they halcyon days when I sent my kids off  to the ‘play schemes’ complete with a packed lunch? Did I imagine all those sun filled days? Happy children, waving good bye? Have I forgotten the windswept, Scottish summers? Probably, but hey, all you need is: layers, more layers, and can survive all Scottish summers, honest.

Image result for non copyrighted photos of toys

But really, was that past much better, or much worse than now?  
 I may have rose tinted glasses (just) occasionally, but I do know that in the 1980’s and the peak of play scheme attendance in the Rahman family, we saw the creation of that lost Thatcher generation. 

So, with visible rising inequality now, there is the chance of another lost generation; lost to the rigours of austerity; knowing the loss of hope, vision and aspiration. We have to make the future better, and I for one, won’t listen to those who say I am divisive by wanting another referendum. 
It’s not contentious to want to leave a dysfunctional union that evidences its inability to tackle inequalities on a mid – long term basis. 
It’s not provocative to note the Government has no coherent plan to secure withdrawal from the EU, and the multitude of hazards this will ensure. 

Promoting Davidson  ** to (Honorary) Col-in-Chief and watching her on the Ayrshire Dundonald
Golf Links (July 2017)  may make for continuing good photo ops, her forte being  - photos before policies , but it doesn’t make for entry to No.10 or to Bute House . 
Think about that one, no think about it, please.

And even if she did fancy a shift to MP/PM, she’d better pick a constituency some place else.

Scotland will be long gone before she ever inhabits No. 10!

** Scottish Conservative leader and MSP for Edinburgh Central. Mostly personal musings, but for policy, quotes and releases see @ScotTories

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