Tuesday, 18 June 2013

well, that's the dirty washing then, and I don't mean the towels......

18th June, 2013.......

Am I the only person not surprised there's another/a new whistle blower out there? Am I alone in thinking that e surveillance came about as soon as e communication went live? Hit that button, and whoosh! It's out there, like a shooting star, except never ending, just doing the rounds.
With all the cheesy sayings doing the rounds (mine's cheddar and an oat cake, ta very much) we must know that..once it's out there, it stays there, stays there, stays........

But where do 'they' draw the line? Do we accept that such e-snooping (so much nicer that spying) is essential, and will take us down routes to safe-r futures?
That presumably is the premise adopted by governments, states, defence, offence and security organisations. And let's include 'security' and 'organisations' since, for such snooping to be effective it has to be on a grand scale. And grand scale would mean staff/operatives/officers, costing money, salaries, and God forbid, employment rights, pensions and the likes. So let's sub contract and get others to gather the information as well. Spread the costs about, create employment.
Whichever way, as the platitude goes, if we have nothing to hide, we have nothing to loose. or maybe not, and for another day...just what is privacy and what is private?

But today and now.......where do 'they' draw the line?
Will chilled drinks be chillier this evening in Northern Ireland following the revelation that 'we'  ALLEGEDLY spied on 'our' guests at the last G8 held in the UK?
Will our great leaders mumble into their mash this evening hoping to be too quiet to be heard, but really, just being too ineffectual to address poverty and hunger?
Will all the guns go silent in Syria as all the waring sides try to listen in to discover who will win and who will loose in the supply chain?

But we know who will loose and not gain.
The poor, the hungry, the weak, the homeless, the refugees.

Eat and drink well this evening, you political leaders at your summit, that pinnacle of power.....
........that broad base including the poor, the weak, the hungry, the homeless, the refugees......continues to prop you up.

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